Monday, December 19, 2005

Good News, Bad News

Bad News:
It's 5 a.m. on Monday and I'm still doing work that I started at noon on Sunday.

Good News:
The Roommate had the wherewithal to order three tubs of cookie dough two months ago, resulting in three tubs of cookie dough in my freezer today. If you were wondering if you can live on only cookie dough, the answer is yes.

Bad News:
I didn’t feel like cooking the cookies.

Good News:
So I just scooped it out of the bucket as if it were ice cream - cutting out the middle man (the oven).

Bad News:
My computer is still screwed. This weekend buttons actually started falling off it.

Good News:
Since I’ve worked for about 18 hours straight today my carpel tunnel has all but gnawed my arm off my body, meaning that even if I had a functioning computer my body is no longer up to factory specs and incapable of doing anything more than sorta knocking the mouse around the top of my desk.

Good News:
I figured out how to turn my fan on in my room and circulate the heat that is coming out of the vent thingy, meaning my extremities are no longer frozen.

Bad News:
I’ve been freezing my ass off for three and a half years when all I had to do was turn a switch on the #^**@# fan.

Good News:
My adorable 10 year-old cousin was in a production of Nutcracker this weekend.

Bad News:
She was only in 3 minutes of the production.

Badder News:
The production lasted an hour and a half.

Good News:
It’s time to go to bed.

Bad News:
There is never anything bad about saying that sentence.


Chunks said...

Good News: You sat through your Nutcracker this weekend.

Bad News: I have to sit through an entire elementary school concert TOMORROW! Thanks for reminding me!

Anonymous said...

Bad News:
Your carpel has chewed your arm to the bone.

Good News:
There's still time for Santa to bring a bionic arm.